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+971 42 35 6582
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We have a wide collection of more than 20.000 premium fabrics.

We use only the best fabrics from Scabal, Vitale Barberis Canonico, Ermenegildo Zegna, Dormeuil, Loro Piana, Cerruti, StylBiella, Drago, Canclini, Thomas Mason, Cotonificio Albini and many others.
A wide collection of premium fabrics
Click on a brand to learn more:
Wide collection of fabrics
There are over 23,000 types of fabrics and over 450 designs.
Only high-end fabrics from Vitale Barberis Canonico, Dormeuil, Loro Piana, Scabal, Ermenegildo Zegna and Holland & Sherry are used by us.
All fabric collections are constantly updated.
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Submit your request
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Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible
By signing up, you automatically agree to the data privacy policy