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About us
Our brands
Our boutique
We are located at Hotel Fairmont Dubai ,Lobby level, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
Uomo Collezioni is a tailoring service whose concept was created in Italy.
Our boutique maintains its high position thanks to three basic principles: excellent quality, impeccable service and attention to the smallest details.


Uomo Collezioni is a luxury fashion brand of men's clothing from Italy. Our core principle "Made in Italy" is the basic and main value of the brand. For Uomo Collezioni "Made in Italy" is not just a word on the label, but the embodiment of a long tradition of delivering the best of Italy to discerning clients. Uomo Collezioni is the quintessence of experience, craftsmanship and genuine inspiration, embodied in the menswear collections.

Our boutique retains the tradition of creating tailor-made items.
The craftsmanship with which every detail is executed embodies an irresistible Italian elegance.
Our company

All our collections are created with special love and care and reflect the concept of Uomo Collezioni - traditional luxury materials are combined with modern cut, offering our customers the best of the world of men's fashion.
The premium segment of our collection is represented by Johnny Manglani brand.


The golden ratio, a principle formulated by Leonardo Da Vinci, is an absolute harmony inherent in all the masterpieces, the unspoken law of the perfect creation. The golden ratio is the main principle of JM by Johnny Manglani - the premium Uomo Collezioni line.

JM by Johnny Manglani is not just another collection, but a kind of manifesto asserting the return to real luxury that can't be generally accessible and mass-produced.
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